My psychiatrist said I was taking up other people's appointments because I made them too often

I'm 22 years old male. History of anxiety disorders, depression.

I had a doctor's appointment, fortunately by phone regarding problematic, anxious dreams and muscle and jaw tension related to dreams and anxiety. The doctor said that I should distance myself, not focus on the symptoms and that I should not make appointments so often from week to week, because I could take someone else's place at the clinic. Recently, I have been making appointments every 1.5-2 weeks.

I should not focus on the symptoms, but due to the tension when eating, my jaw cracks, after getting up my jaw cracks, dreams worsen the quality of my sleep, I sometimes have headaches because of it. No, I do not have the money and time to get a dental guard for my teeth, and I have already tried store dental guards (they're uncomfortable). Besides, dental guards for teeth are symptomatic anyway, just like medications.

Of course, I am working on it in psychotherapy (CBT, for 4 months, main reason social anxiety).

Was that a good answer? After such a statement, I no longer want to participate in psychiatric treatment and I feel less important as a patient who has the right to consult with a doctor about his or her concerns about symptoms and side effects.