Greek Temple or "Ammonite" Cave...
Two months ago, I wrote this, in explanation to a question about the : "Hail Satan" thing:
"The term "Satan", originates with the Olde Saturnian Rites of ancient Greece and other distant cultures. The term "Satan" was then hung on the Christian creation 'The Devil'. The Devil, was mixed with images such as the God Pan, anything pagan, polytheistic, sexual. Everything that was not of the New "True Faith" became thus: "Satanic". All the olde gods, goddesses, and heroes became ultimately in league with the Devil, and or of Satan. Every practice, not explicitly endorsed by the new church became "The Work of Satan". This particularly applied to the ancient sciences in medicine, and even to some extent, technology. It was all Satan's work. So, in The World of Ammon, to "Hail Satan" - is to acknowledge and praise the ancient world, before Christianity, polluted, twisted, and destroyed much of it - plunging the civilized world into a Dark Ages, that would last a thousand years."
This seemed to get a good response with over thirty up votes... Additionally, you can hear Dr. Hillman say some of this directly in Season One, Episode One - which you can review here:
All that said, there has been a lot of dark water over the dam since Season 1, Episode 1 of "Lady Babylon" - and the Channel's focus seems a bit narrower. I can't say I completely agree, with what I wrote before - I might even say, I was wrong...
It's now clear, Ammon Hillman is on a crusade against the default story of Jesus (which - like it or not has helped lift many individuals, if not nations, out of crime, desperation, poverty, corruption, and ruin). Dr. Hillman wishes to replace the classic biblical tale of Jesus as presented in most modern Christian English bibles with one where not only is Jesus a mere mortal and not the "Son of God", but rather, a tale in which Jesus is a depraved strange drug using, child abusing, slaver like "trafficker" of children - who were in reality, the historical "Apostles".
This mission to destroy and debase the reputation of Jesus, and paint him as a mortal pedo - does actually seem to be something, the Christian "Devil" would be all in for, don't you think? It's also greatly appealing to people who are rabidly against Christianity, feel wronged by Christianity, or have some other ax to grind concerning the religion... "I will bring you all LOW, I am Ammon!" - Dr. Hillman on a recent podcast.
Dr. Hillman has also lately said, he's always reading The Bible - he can't even say how many hours he spends on it (from one of his Danny Jones interviews). So, it appears he's biblically focused, not exactly "Saturnian Rites Focused"... I don't see many podcasts from him, which are dealing with ancient Greek religious texts on the age old Saturnian Rites, and or Classical scholars of Ancient Greece; they are a small fraction - relative to all this discussion related to Jesus and the New Testament. Do we get lectures on Pan, or Aphrodite? Apollo or Chronos? Poseidon? No. It's all about Jesus.
Given the above, that the man is biblically obsessed with Christianity, and the New Testament in particular - where the Christian "The Devil" is actually created, when he says he's talking to the Devil, who is it? Is it a joke? Well, after watching and observing for months, I think there is a bit of a ruse going on...
While Noobs, are fed the above definition -- as I was, and unfortunately regurgitated back to others, the deeper reality, the inner circle reality, is Ammon is engaged in building a Christian Devil, dare I say, "Satanic" (actually I would prefer "Dark Energy" group), if not larger organization, who's purpose is the debasement of Christianity. Stories have come out of the "Inner Ammon Circle" - by one particular woman, of Ammon wishing to use Satanic style "sex magick" powers, in combination with visualization, to attempt to send a "dream succubus" into the consciousness of one of his enemies. That sounds rather "Devil Cult" like to me... how about you?
As I'm not a Christian, nor do I have a huge ax to grind against the religion - I think I can look at this with some small level of detachment. I can't see, what major good, would be done to the world by debasing and or destroying believers' image of Jesus, whom about a third of the world now prays to for guidance, help, and salvation... It may be all smoke and mirrors, even based on an entirely fictitious person, but at this point - it's what the current modern New Testament teaches - that's what ultimately matters now. Teachings like: "Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek"...
Thomas Jefferson wisely rewrote the New Testament, removing the Hocus Pocus, and concentrating on the Christian teachings... Much of what Jesus taught, is completely in keeping with The Great Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), who lived 500 years before him. These are fine lessons, and promote goodness, upright morality, generosity, compassion, and nonviolence. These are things which make mankind better.
Finally, let's spend sometime examining the imagery used in Dr. Hillman's productions, which is beautiful A.I. artwork - yet very dark and disturbing to some. Young women, attractive, vulnerable, stare off into the darkness with glowing eyes and globs of gelatinous drugs oozing out from around and out of the eyes; black Satanic styled goat creatures with red glowing eyes, dark hellscapes and dimensions of sexual enticement and debasement.
No white glimmering Greek temples, shining in the glorious brightness of the Mediterranean Sun for him; no beautiful marble columns or statues of Athena, Aphrodite, or Artemis grace his world. His is a dark realm, a foreboding cavern, a gloomy domain - filled with seemingly evil and powerful creatures who possess hidden secret powers and desires.
Thus, when Ammon calls out his followers in total, referring to them as his: "Satanic Congregation", he means it... But, not so much to the top meaning originally detailed in this article, but actually referring to that dark energy lord, sometimes referred to in Christianity as "The Devil". Negative or evil energies and entities DO exist, and can be courted into service.
Yes, Dr. Hillman has mentioned repeatedly: "The Devil" has clearly instructed him - he is to make no money from his quest, but perhaps he is to be compensated via another private avenue... Ammon appears to be a rather deep pool of liquid, perhaps mentally questionable blackness; to which one must remember: "Beware what lurks in dark waters..." - it's an old and wise adage, that is seldom wrong in deployment.
It's not that I'm unappreciative to Dr. Hillman, and enjoy is productions, I do. He's a marvelous teacher and showman. But an Ancient Greek Language Channel, that constantly fixates on Christianity, and topics such has Jesus drinking little boy's semen, is not only a bit much, but ultimately - boring. There's many more interesting topics, histories, and people to talk about, relative to the Ancient Greek World than constantly obsessing and crushing in this avenue of now well trodden mud. Slinging mud can sometimes be fun, but it rapidly grows old for residents of the neighborhood.