AITA for refusing my brother's girlfriend to visit my flat?

Hello everybody!

So last weekend my wife and I invited my parents to visit us and our one year old daughter. My brother is a huge baby nut and asked if he and his girlfriend could come over also. Now, the thing is, my brother has been on overseas semesters for the past year and didn't have a lot of time to bind with my daughter, so she couldn't really get to know him that well yet.

The thing is, I didn't even know he was in a relationship for about half a year after he got into the one he currently is. No one told me, not my parents, nor him. The odd thing is, that he told my parents asap as they got together and they also spend a lot of time with my brother and her, so at least they know her quite well.

The first time I saw her was at a family gathering where neither he nor she introduced her, which I found odd, but I figured maybe she was shy and will introduce herself. False. I have seen them together like 10 times up until now and still no introduction. Still, she always tries to play or talk to my daughter. Honestly, I find this very rude, I haven't really spoken 5 sentences to her and she always tries to do something with my daughter.

So I told my brother, he was welcome to come over, but I first want to get to know his girlfriend better before I would want her in my flat. He just told me "OK, no big deal". Afterwards my parents came over alone and we got into a heated conversation why I was so rude and didn't let her come visit, because my brother was crying because he wants to get to know his niece better. I never said he could not come visit though. My wife supports me and has exactly the same beliefs as me in this matter. Still, I am quite a bit offended because I thought my brother and I had a better relationship, since he always wants me to proofread his Spanish exercises and I always help him when I have time. Outside of that we didn't really see each other because he just came back from overseas before Christmas. Secondly I am offended by my parents taking my brothers girlfriend.

Now I need you to be the judges if IATA since my vision is clouded because since my daughter was born my parents have often made a scene when something didn't go their way and I am already quite a bit aggrevated.

Edit: Yo, I remembered something: My brother's gf is quite well off and she has a flat in the city where my brother studies at, so they stay there a lot. One time my brother flew home from his overseas semester for a few days and didn't even bother telling me, they just invited my parents and didn't even tell us. When I told them that stung a little bit, they said they told me but I am VERY sure they didn't, so maybe that also is why I behaved like I did.

Edit 2: update time: I talked to my parents and brother again and it seems that they have already been on multiple day trips with them both when my brother came home for a few days from overseas, but didn't invite either my wife, son and I. They stated that they just thought we were not interested so didn't even bother to tell me that A) my brother came home and B) that they were doing something with them. Up until now, nobody complained about me not talking to her, so I don't think that was the problem. So either I really do come of as an asshole that has no emotions or they just don't want to spend as much time with my family as they say. Either way, I am really bothered by this and even my wife told me she needs a break from seeing my parents, which we usually always did once a week. So this is kinda spiraling downstairs kinda fast... Additional Info: during the hottest phases of the covid pandemic my wife and I were very careful about not getting her pregnant self or later my infant son infected so we took precautions and didn't go to restaurants or anything where public contact would happen too frequently. That was also held over my head and a reason why I just don't seem to get invited to any activities, even when my wife and I tried to go out and do more things with my birth family.