I feel like he doesn’t deserve me.

I (27F) feel like my boyfriend (28M) doesn’t value or appreciate me despite the fact that i try my absolute best to be the best girlfriend that i can. I’m always kind and respectful towards him, i always compliment him and uplift him when he’s feeling down, i make him laugh, i spend quality time with him doing things he loves like playing video games, i buy him nice and thoughtful gifts etc…

On the other hand, my boyfriend has a bunch of girl friends who aren’t the best people and treat their boyfriends like trash. For example, one of them cheated on her boyfriend and hasn’t told him (it happened months ago), another one of his girl friends verbally abuses her boyfriend, yet their boyfriends are still so in love with them and treat them like queens.

My family, my boyfriend’s family and friends all think that i’m out of his league (appearance and personality wise). They were shocked to find out that we were dating. But i never thought that way about him. I thought he was handsome and a great person, but now i’m starting to think that they might have been right.

What should i do?