How do you convince someone that politics affect you whether you care about politics or not.

My younger adult sibling doesn't vote or keep up with anything political. In fact she has a severe aversion to all things she deems "political". The moment a word like "legal, bill, congressman, president, laws, petition, taxes, etc..." gets brought up, she shuts down and after an annoyed tired sigh, says "Sorry but I REALLLLY don't care about politics and don't enjoy talking about it." Or "I don't want to vote because I wouldn't even know who to vote for or what type of person they are."

I might say something like "Well what do you think about this law that does XYZ (something awful that she would obviously not be ok with)?" She says that it is a terrible law and she hopes it doesn't pass because it sounds authoritarian/tyrannical.... so i respond "ok but this person running for office wants to pass this law that would do just that, so if you don't vote against them the majority vote might be for this person and you could have stood against it". She just says she doesn't really care.

Any subsequent pushing on the topic after that just results in the silent treatment until the subject changes, or groan sounds like when a kid is asked to do a chore like she can't even be bothered to think about such things.