D&D Adventurers League's Update for the 2024 DMG
From Discord link
D&D Adventurers League's Update for the 2024 Core Rules
Here's the link to our updated article https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1819-d-d-adventurers-league-update-for-the-2024-core for AL's use of the 2024 core rulebooks. The updates include the following.
-Which magic item details to use
-Artifact exchange updated
-Creating a background
-Greyhawk setting
-Bastion guidance
Bastion Guidance is the meaty part:
Bastions are available for player use. All characters starting at level 5 may begin to build a Bastion and begin with one Cramped and one Roomy facility. You must have a visual representation of their Bastion’s space–a Bastion map showing the use of floor space. This can be as simple or detailed as you desire but must clearly show where basic and special facilities are located, as well as an easily referenceable scale. A Bastion’s facility costs to build or enlarge a space in GP must be paid. You have 20 times your character level in days to add basic facilities or enlarge them when you first decide to build a Bastion (at or after level 5). Special facilities are gained at the character levels specified in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide and are chosen by you at the time your character reaches the required level.
You may rebuild one Bastion facility (replacing an existing facility with a new one) at the end of a session during the Bastion turn, provided you adhere to all requirements on special facilities and pay any increased GP and time costs. If the rebuilt facility requires more time than currently available, you must wait until the time cost is paid before using the facility. Facilities with orders that have yet to be fully resolved may not be rebuilt.
At the end of each session, you are given a Bastion turn for your character participating in the adventure. Bastion turns must be resolved by the end of the session, with the DM adjudicating any rolls made from a Bastion order. For Adventurers League play, a specific character may not issue the same Bastion order two turns in a row.
Time Between Bastion Turns
Each time you take a Bastion turn, 10 days is assumed to have passed since the last Bastion turn. You can use this time to calculate how long it takes for certain orders to resolve, and to determine how long it’s been since you initiated adding or enlarging a basic facility.
EDIT: I have updated the sidebar with a new link for Download Rules. I decided to create my own repository of current PDFs and relevant links since the available resources are scattered and/or out of date. Please let me know if I missed anything.