AITA for changing my mind?
Okay, so for backstory- I (26F) have been with my partner (27M) for about six years now.
When we started dating, I was very open about what I was looking for in a relationship. I dated for marriage, I was looking to be engaged between 3-5 years of dating, I wanted a long engagement, and a handfasting ceremony. (Things were rocky for a while, so we're behind that timeframe, which is fine.)
I explained the handfasting was important to me, as I'm pagan, as well as pagan-born. I had been converted to Christianity at a young age and had decided it wasn't for ms after some traumatizing years in the church. (I had left at age 14), and I wasn't interested in a Christian wedding.
My partner is atheist. He had told me at the beginning of our relationship he agreed that it was pointless to have a Christian wedding, as neither of us are Christian.
We haven't gotten engaged yet, but he admitted to thinking about it and looking at rings, which is great. The problem is, now he wants a Christian wedding "for his family's sake" And he hadn't been happy with any of the handfasting themes I picked.
Last night we came to the agreement that I'll let him have the Christian ceremony how he wants, without argument, if I get free reign of the handfasting ceremony. The problem is, I TRULY don't feel comfortable getting married in a church, and I don't think it's fair to push me to be uncomfortable when he isn't Christian and it's only to make his family happy. -note: there has been ZERO mention of financial aid from his family for ceremonies, or I would be fine doing it for them, it's only fair if they're helping to pay for it.
So, AITA if i tell him I changed my mind and telling him I don't want a Christian ceremony at all?