Coming up with meal ideas is harder than actually making the meal

It is so. Damn. Exhausting. And I have to do this three times a day? Breakfast i can skirt by with sometimes, usually eggs sound appetizing enough. Bacon is good.

Lunch time is a bit more difficult. Sandwich maybe? Leftovers from the day before are fine. A frozen meal per chance.

Dinner is impossible. Its the end of the day, I dont want to make anything, i want to enjoy my time doing nothing or something fun. Not spending an hour making and eating a meal. Frozen meals dont sound good anymore, plus I gotta have enough food to feed two so its not like its entirely my decision. What did I have for week last week? Two days ago? I dunno. Maybe ill have chicken thighs for the 100th time this month.

I just wish there was someone who could just tell me what sounds good or to eat. Would make this so much easier..