I don't even want to oneshot squishies
Just to give my view as ADC player. I want to stress that I am HAPPY with the amount of damage we do to squishies. I don't need to 1-3shot squishy champs. I'm totally okay with having to hit someone 4+ times to kill them. I really disliked playing crit when it was OP last season and deleting entire teams in just a few hits as Jinx.
All I DON'T want is to end up in situations where I do everything right, I get to free hit during a teamfight, I have the anti-tank items I need, and I just don't do fucking damage to tabi+randuin or tabi+thornmail. If I bought ER+Navori+IE or something, and I don't kill tanks fast at all, that's FINE with me. But if I buy IE+Runaans+LDR, I 100% should be doing huge damage to tanks.
It's too disgusting doing everything right, having 9cs/min and during the gamedeciding teamfight I hit a tank for 10 seconds and deal 0 damage.