If you struggle with tanks and bruisers, maybe give Asol bot a try.

He has a lot of things to offer while working mostly like an ADC in terms of the role in the team comp, just with magic damage.

  • He is a scaling persistent damage dealer with a lot of AoE damage.
  • He deals monstrous amounts of percent health damage, which works exceptionally well against HP stackers like Dr. Mundo
  • The first item he builds, rylais, transforms him into an scaling Ashe
  • He actually can profit quite well from the constant massacres down in botlane if played competently due to getting 2 stacks per q explosion on enemy champs
  • Thanks to his W, he can position himself way less risky compared to normal adcs while still being able to go for an all in.
  • His Ult is just game changing in teamfights.