How often to restring?
I'm about 2 months into tennis, have been using a Wilson blade for the past month of that. Luxilon 4G cross / Bobolat Touch nat gut main. How often would I need to restring this setup? I play 1-2 hours/day 4-5x/week. Just hitting against a machine so definitely getting a good amount of hits in. Do I just wait till a string breaks?
I did try an Ezone 100 with all natural gut. It did feel “easier” to generate power but I don’t think I need the extra power. With that setup I was told I would just wait till a string breaks.
Not sure with the blade setup since can't poly go dead before something breaks?
I'm about 2 months into tennis, have been using a Wilson blade for the past month of that. Luxilon 4G cross / Bobolat Touch nat gut main. How often would I need to restring this setup? I play 1-2 hours/day 4-5x/week. Just hitting against a machine so definitely getting a good amount of hits in. Do I just wait till a string breaks?
I did try an Ezone 100 with all natural gut. It did feel “easier” to generate power but I don’t think I need the extra power. With that setup I was told I would just wait till a string breaks.
Not sure with the blade setup since can't poly go dead before something breaks?